Monday, November 2, 2009

Voicethread Assignment #2!

Voicethread Assignment #2
Script Due Friday, November 6th (or sooner)

*Choose a topic you consider yourself an expert in (sports, clothes, music, dancing, etc.)

*You will create a 2-minute, 10-photo voicethread of that topic explaining what you know. (12 seconds per photo).

*Your voicethread must have a full script with about 30 words per photo.

*When you are done, select the "copy link and share" button that comes after your last photo runs. Send your voicethread to

*Be prepared to share your voicethread with classmates.

Areas For Grading:

*Speak clearly and naturally (do not sound like you are reading -- avoid choppy speech)

*Speak at a normal volume! Do not whisper!

*Emphasize important words in CAPS and BOLD in your script.

*Emphasize important words in your speech.

*Each of your 10 photos contains between 10-12 seconds worth of speaking.

*Clearly introduce your topic at the start of your script.

*Clearly demonstrate knowledge of your given topic throughout the Voicethread.

*Be sure the script you write contains your own words.

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