Monday, November 30, 2009

Assignment Due Wednesday, December 2nd!

Wednesday is the final day for you to submit Voicethread material -- after that it will not be accepted.

Please email me if you would like to double-check the status of your work. Remember, your Voicethread work is most of your marking period 3 grade!

So far there has been a lot of great work and I look forward to hearing more.

See you in class!

-Mr. D.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Assignment Due Wednesday, November 25th!!!

For Wednesday, a fully-recorded version of your third and final Voicethread assignment (the debate) is due. You should have that assignment in your Google Docs inbox.

If you are behind in your work, I strongly suggest staying after school to record your assignment.

Please email me with any questions:

See you in class!

-Mr. Donohue

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Assignment Due By Monday, November 23rd!

By Monday, you must complete and submit the final draft of your Voicethread #3 script. Your debate script must:

1) Show opinions of both you and your partner.
2) Have evidence that supports your opinion.
3) Contain words that are clearly emphasized with CAPS AND BOLD.

Please email me with any questions.

See you in class!

-Mr. D.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Homework For Thursday, November 19th!

By the end of class on Thursday, be sure to complete the rough draft of your Voicethread #3 script (all 20 scripts, 30 words each). If you are behind, you need to catch up tonight!

We will then edit your script over the next two days.

See you in class!

-Mr. D.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Homework For Wednesday, November 18th!

For Wednesday, be sure you have completed 18 of your 20 scripts for the Voicethread #3 project! Keep in mind that the rough draft of your script is due Thursday!

See you in class.

-Mr. D.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Homework For Tuesday, November 17th!

By the end of class on Tuesday you need to have 14 completed scripts for your Voicethread #3 assignment. Please contact me if you are struggling to keep pace and DO NOT WAIT for the end to finish it all!!!

See you in class.

-Mr. D.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Homework For Monday, November 16th!

By the end of class on Monday you want to make sure you have completed the first 10 scripts of your Voicethread 3 assignment. Also, be prepared to record you second Voicethread script starting on Monday.

Have a great weekend and I'll see you in class!

-Mr. D.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Homework Due Friday, October 13th!

If you have not completed your Voicethread #3 outline, you must do so tonight. Also, you need to work on the first 6 scripts due in class tomorrow!

Lastly, if you have not turned in your script for Voicethread #2, tomorrow is the last day.

See you in class!

-Mr. D.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Homework For Thursday, November 12th!

For Thursday, be sure to finish an outline for your 20-photo debate on Voicethread.

The outline does not have to detail each photo, but must speak about where you are heading throughout the course of your debate.

For example, take the Kobe-LeBron debate:
Photos 1-4 will compare statistics from their early career.
Photos 5-6 will talk about the support each player has had on their team throughout their careers.

And so on...

Please email me with any questions.

See you on Thursday!

-Mr D.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Homework For Tuesday, November 10th!

Finish Classwork for Voicethread #3: Select a topic and submit it to me as a SHARED DOCUMENT IN GOOGLE DOCS. In this document you must briefly explain what you and your partner plan to debate and 2-3 points each of you plan to make. Choose your own topic, some suggestions are listed below.

Possible Topics:
1) Kobe-LeBron, who’s better?
2) Who will win the championship of a given sport?
3) Who is the best rapper in the game these days?
4) Myspace Vs Facebook?
5) Mac Vs PC?
6) Best fashion label?
7) Best sneaker line?
8) Best player ever in a given sport?

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Homework For Friday, November 6th!

For Friday, submit the first eight slides worth of scripts for your second Voicethread (roughly 30 words each) through Google Docs. Remember to emphasize the important words with CAPS and bold. SAMPLES IN THE LAST POST!!!

See you in class!

Mr. D.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Homework Due Wednesday, November 5th!

For Wednesday, submit the first four slides worth of scripts for your second Voicethread (roughly 30 words each) through Google Docs. Remember to emphasize the important words with CAPS and bold.

Below are the two sample scripts from class today.

See you in class!

Mr. D.

The NEW YORK YANKEES are back in the World Series for the first time since 2003 and are trying to win their FIRST TITLE since defeating the METS in the year 2000.

The Yankees are led by captain DEREK JETER and 3-time MVP ALEX RODRIGUEZ as they attempt to win the team's TWENTY-SEVENTH championship. Jeter already has FOUR rings while Rodriguez is still searching for his FIRST.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Voicethread Assignment #2!

Voicethread Assignment #2
Script Due Friday, November 6th (or sooner)

*Choose a topic you consider yourself an expert in (sports, clothes, music, dancing, etc.)

*You will create a 2-minute, 10-photo voicethread of that topic explaining what you know. (12 seconds per photo).

*Your voicethread must have a full script with about 30 words per photo.

*When you are done, select the "copy link and share" button that comes after your last photo runs. Send your voicethread to

*Be prepared to share your voicethread with classmates.

Areas For Grading:

*Speak clearly and naturally (do not sound like you are reading -- avoid choppy speech)

*Speak at a normal volume! Do not whisper!

*Emphasize important words in CAPS and BOLD in your script.

*Emphasize important words in your speech.

*Each of your 10 photos contains between 10-12 seconds worth of speaking.

*Clearly introduce your topic at the start of your script.

*Clearly demonstrate knowledge of your given topic throughout the Voicethread.

*Be sure the script you write contains your own words.

Voicethread Assignment 1 Directions

1) Create an account with
2) Visit
AND and view
Watch 3-4 voice thread presentations done by seniors.

3) Familiarize yourself with the site, watch tutorials:
a) What's a Voice Thread
b) Video Doodling

4) Think of a topic you can create a top ten list in photos with. Find 10 photos on the internet to create a top 10 voice thread with. Be ready to record 10 seconds per each slide to explain your top 10 count down.

5) Click "create" and upload your 10 photos on voice thread.

6) Begin to record your voice thread presentation.