Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Blogs - Part 2 - Checklist

Final Blog Checklist
Assignment: Once you have completed Day 6, you are responsible for finishing the assigned work for your blog (below) by Friday, June 4th. Late work will be accepted until Friday, June 11th.

Your completed blog should include the following:

1) A Complete Layout: a Welcome Note, an About Me Section, a Widget, a Newsreel, a Link List, a Blog List, a Clearly Displayed Stat Counter, a Poll (ending June 30th), and a "Main Photo".

2) 400 Points of creative work (see below) - the 400 points must include 2 written pieces, and work from at least 2 other areas.

Project values:

a) 30 Points for each 300-400 word Written Post.

b) 25 points for each Video Project, edited with effects, minimum 90 seconds in length, embedded on your blog.
(Created using a camcorder or iMovie and embedded through your Vimeo.com account)

c) 15 Points for each Podcast, edited with effects, minimum two minutes in length, embedded on your blog.
(Created using iMovie and embedded using Podbean.com)

d) 25 Points for each photo album of original content, edited, and embedded on blog.
(Created with a digital camera and embedded with Picasa)

Blogs - Day 6

Day 6 - Completing Your Second Post

Assignment: Your directions are simple. You will complete your second 300-600 word post and include a photo within your post.

When you are done with this post, you will begin on Part 2 of your blog work where you will have your choice of projects: writing, video, podcast and/or photo. Open "Blog Part 2" for details.

Blogs - Day 5

Day 5 - Blog Links, Stat Counter, Begin Post 2

Assignment: Today you will create a "Blog List" of 6-8 of your classmates' blogs, add a Stat Counter to your blog to see how many people are visiting your blog, and then begin your second full post.

Step 1) Blog List. In the "Add a Gadget" area of your layout you will find an option to create a "Blog List". Add one to your blog and then add6-8 of your classmates' blogs to your blog list. You can find links to your classmates' blogs on Mr. Donohue's blog: http://hssm-jc.blogspot.com/

Step 2) Stat Counter. The latest addition to your layout is a "Stat Counter", letting you know how many people have viewed your blog.

To set up Stat Counter, you have to visit www.statcounter.com to set up an account. Use your gmail information to register for an account and then follow the directions.

When you have an embed code to add to your blog, you want to post it into an HTML box found in your "add a gadget" section.

If you need help with this please ask Mr. Donohue or send him an email at mr.donohue@gmail.com

Step 3) Begin the second post for your blog. It must be 300-600 words and include a photo.

Blogs - Day 4

Day 4 - Finishing Your First Post

Assignment: You will write your first real blog post and add a photo to it before publishing.

Remember: Each post should be between 300-600 words. When you blog, make sure you express your opinions and let your personality shine through. Go back to the sample blogs on Day 1 to get a good feel of how your voice should sound.

If you need ideas for getting started, just ask Mr. Donohue.

When you are done with your post:

1) Spell check! (The ABC button with the check mark at the top of your posting box).

2) Find an image on the internet, or take your own photo, that you want to put at the top of your photo. Save to your documents or desktop and click the "Add Image" icon on the top of your posting box (just to the right of your spell check icon).

3) Press "Publish Post" and you're all set.

Blogs - Day 3

Blogs Day 3 - More Designing

Assignment: Today you will add more features to the design of your blog and begin to write your first blog post.

Step 1) Welcome note. Login to your blog's "Layout" section. On the right side you will see a box that says "Welcome". In 2-3 sentences you should welcome readers to your blog and briefly explain what they should expect to read when they visit. This note should be a shorter version of your welcome note from Day 2.

Step 2) About Me section. Again in the Layout area you will see a box labeled "About Me". Click the "edit" button and tell your readers a little about yourself. Do not put personal information like your LAST NAME or ADDRESS!

Step 3) Link List. Click on "add a gadget" in your blog's layout area. Scroll until you see "Link List". Click the "+" sign and enter a title for a list of website you will link to your blog that relate to your topic. For example: If your topic is the LA Lakers, then you might enter the title "LA Laker Websites". When you are done, hit save.

Then, you will find 3-5 websites that relate to your topic and add them to your link list. Just hit the "edit" link on the box that now appears in your layout section.

Step 4) A Main Photo. You will need to locate and upload a "main" photo that will be located at the top of your blog or near the sidebar of your blog.

To put a photo at the top of your blog, click "edit" on box where the title of your blog is located.

To put a photo on the side of your blog, click "add a gadget" on the sidebar area of your layout, scroll until you find the picture option, and then follow the directions.

Blogs - Day 2

Day 2 - Welcome Message/Designing Your Blog

Assignment: Today you will post a short message as a welcome message and then add various features to your blog that will enhance its appearance and provide resources for outside information. You will be responsible for adding a widget, a newsreel, a poll & you will also post a welcome message.

Step 1) Welcome message. Under the "Posting" tab of your blog you will see a box for text entry. Give your future readers a short paragraph describing what they should expect to find when they visit your blog. Under the title put "Welcome" or "Greetings" or something similar.

When you are done, click the "ABC" button at the top of the box to check your spelling.

Once everything looks good, you may "Publish" your post.

Creating a poll.
2a) After you publish your welcome message, click on the "layout" tab.

2b) You will see the option to "Add a gadget" on the top, bottom and middle-right. Click on "add a gadget" on the middle-right.

2c) A new window will open. Scroll down until you see the option for a "poll". Click the "+" sign.

2d) Create a poll that is related to your topic. For example, in the question area, you might write "Who will win the NBA championship?". Below, you will put down the options people can choose from.

2e) Change the closing date to to 06/30/10

2f) Click save and your poll will then be part of your blog.

Step 3)
Widgets. What is a widget? A widget is something you add to a website from another news source that publishes their news on the side of your blog. For example, a widget about the NBA would post current news stories on the side of your blog.

If you are interested in a sports widget, ESPN.com is good source for them. Click here if you are interested in a widget from their page (see "Directions for getting an ESPN widget" at the bottom of this page). NBA.com and NFL.com also have sports widgets.

If you are not doing a sports blog, you can do an internet search for a widget that fits your topic (for example, "music widget").

*Note: In most cases you can add a widget to your blog through the website you are getting it from. If you are having trouble adding a widget, ask Mr. Donohue for help.

Step 4) Newsreel. You will add a feature that will bring up news stories about your topic.

4a) After you publish your welcome message, click on the "layout" tab.

4b) You will see the option to "Add a gadget" on the top, bottom and middle-right. Click on "add a gadget" on the middle-right.

4c) A new window will open. Scroll down until you see the option for a "Newsreel". Click the "+" sign.

4d) Delete the area that says: "Apple, Google, Microsoft" and type in a search term that fits your blog. For example, if your blog is about the New York Yankees, then type "New York Yankees".

4e) Give a title to the newsreel at the top (like "Yankee News").

4f) Click "save".

****Directions for getting an ESPN Widget****
1) Make sure you are logged into gmail.
2) Click "add now" on the widget you are interested in getting.
3) Click "add this"
4) Select the Google logo indicated with the letter "G"
5) Click "Add to iGoogle"
6) You will see the widget on a new page. At the top of the box that contains the widget you will an arrow pointing down in the right corner. Press the arrow and select "About this gadget".
7) On a new page you will see 3 links on the right side. Select the one that says "embed this gadget."
8) You may see an error message in the middle of the next page - do not worry! Everything is fine.
9) Scroll down and change the width to 250 and the height to 300.
10) Click "get the code" at the bottom of the page. Copy it.
11) Go to your blog's "layout" section and click "add a gadget" on the right side of your layout.
12) Select "HTML/JavaScript" and paste the code into this box. Give your widget a title that will tell readers what type of news they should expect to read in this section. For example "New York Yankee News".
13) Press "Save". Then, on your layout page, press "save" again.

Blog Day 1

Blogs Day 1 - Intro to Blogs

Assignment: In this assignment you will look at some blogs created last year, decide on a topic for your blog and then create your own.

Step 1) Take a look at these blogs from last year. When you are done, open a blank Google Doc and title it "Blogs Day 1" and, in a few words, explain what you notice about each.





Step 2) Take a moment and think of a topic you would like to write a blog about. Be sure to pick a topic that you can continue to write about. For example, the NBA playoffs are going on right now and would be an excellent topic to cover over the next few weeks. Writing about Kobe Bryant may not be a good idea because you will likely run out of things to say. Be sure this topic is something you enjoy, and would consider yourself a bit of an expert in.

Next, speak with Mr. Donohue about topic idea idea before making a final decision.

On your Google Doc titled "Blogs Day 1", write down your topic.

Step 3) Click here and go to www.blogspot.com. Sign in with your Gmail address and password if necessary.

3a) Click "create a blog".

3b) Begin filling-in the required information. You will be choosing your blog's name and URL (web address), choose wisely!

3c) Once you have finished creating your blog, write your blog URL in "Blogs Day 1" and submit your work.